Opportunities & Links

Canterbury is constantly seeking ways to expand sales territory and products. We outline here some of the current possibilities we see for people to join our organisation.



Canterbury is not represented in Central or Eastern Europe. We know that there are gun clubs and shooters in these regions who enjoy using our equipment (we have sold individual sets here!) so there must be an opportunity for someone with links into clay target shooting clubs, to add our product range to their sales list.


Canterbury is not represented in Asia. We know that our product has been sold into China via a third agent and we know that there are gun clubs and shooters in these regions who enjoy this sport. So there must be an opportunity for someone with links into clay target shooting clubs, to add our product range to their sales list.


Canterbury is not represented in South America. We know there are gun clubs and shooters in this area so there must be an opportunity for someone with links into clay target shooting clubs, to add our product range to their sales list.


Canterbury has developed some highly sophisticated wireless technology in its latest version of voice release. The key developments in this product are:

- use of free-to-air digital 2.4GHz band
- sophisticated data communications
- low battery consumption

We would be interested in exploring alternative uses for this technology and would welcome approaches from individuals or organisations who may wish to find out more.


Canterbury Trap International: www.canterburytrap.co.nz
Krieghoff Services: www.krieghoff.co.uk
New Zealand Clay Target Associaion: www.nzclaytarget.org.nz
Clay Pigeon Shooting Association: www.cpsa.co.uk
Trapshooters.com: www.trapshooters.com


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